

Website Design & Development

25,000+ stocks, 80+ indicators, Limitless technical analysis screening capabilities. The only online stock screening spanning 3 international markets - India, Canada, and the US. 

We wanted to create a unified platform for daily stock screening and watchlist creation for a large portion of retail traders. This led to the creation of EZstockscreener. Within 3 months, we were able to craft an efficient backend system capable of screening thousands of stocks in mere seconds and display all the stocks in a fully interactive format with all the indicators drawn in it. 

With a simple query language that's designed to be extremely flexible in creating highly complex screeners, EZstockscreener can be as complex as the user needs it to be, yet has a very gentle learning curve for new traders who have never used stock screening tools. 



How to execute complex SQL queries spanning 100+ lines with lots of aggregates and window functions on 10,000+ stocks and how to create a custom query language that is both easy to use and is very customizable. The translation of this user-readable query to machine-readable SQL query was also a challenge to overcome. 


Using in-memory tables and proper data types for table elements, we achieved fast query performance on moderate-sized servers. We created our own query language schema that allows even the most complex nested queries to be verified and translated to SQL queries in few secs.


Simple queries execution in under few second and queries as complex as linear regression indicators takes few 10s of secs to execute. With improvements and more parallelization of individual indicators, this can even faster. More speed can easily be achieved with more expensive servers with higher single-core performance. 

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